The Best Moment in Publishing.


Steve and the first copy of Their Love of Music

As a publisher there are many moments were you have a great sense of accomplishment, when sales are good, when great reviews come in, when awards are heaped upon a new release, but there is one moment which stands above all else. It only can happen once per book. It is that moment when the finish book arrives from the printer. You can only see it for the first time once. And I had that pleasure this morning. This time it was also compounded by the fact that I could watch Steve Azzato, photographer of Their Love of Music, see his work in finished form. The excitement on his face was beyond description. He has put in almost 5 years working on this project and this morning he was rewarded with his first look at his compellation of work in book form, for generations to be able to look over.

I’ve worked on this project for about a year, and having been talking to Steve about it for almost five years. So I too have in some small way grown up with this project as well. As publisher and designer on this book I have spent the better part of a year going over typefaces, images, quotes and every detail of this book. So for me it was also one of those moments, the time when even after you’ve seen all the images time and again and all the parts in proofs, now you see it as a finished book.

You put it on a table, walk around it, set it on a shelf, turn each page carefully and even though you’ve seen each one before in the proofs, now it is different. You can pick this up as one complete piece of work. It’s a book! Books, those tactile pieces we all love to hold, turn the page and see what is next whether in written form, or in portraits of musicians we may or may not know. To read the words, read the photographs and to understand the meaning of the body of work. Books have a place in all our homes and are sometimes handed down from one generation to the next. They are special pieces.  

And it this case one man has documented 117 musicians from all genres of music and helps you understand what makes them take to the road night after night to bring you their special talents.

Yup, one perfect moment in publishing. And I am pleased to have been part of it this morning.

Steve and I with the first copy of Their Love of Music

If you want to see a PDF of the book you can go to and click on the link there. Sorry you’ll have to wait until 10/10/10 for the release of this fine book which, by the way, makes a perfect holiday gift! And if you agree you have until September 30th to pre-order at a 30% discount – and have it signed by photographer Steve Azzato!

Yup, it was a fine day.



The Night Blooming Cereus Blooms!


Last night we had a happening at our house! The blooming of our Night Blooming Cereus! The Night Blooming Cereus is found in the wild in the Southwest Sonoran and Chichuahuan deserts. It blooms in June or July in the wild, but we have found it to be July or August up north here. Some years the plant won’t bloom, but when it does it is a spectacular sight! This year we had only this one bloom which opened up last night.

The blooms start opening after dark and reaches its peak about midnight. It became about 6-8” in diameter and had a wonderful fragrance which is light and delicate in nature – yet very strong and can be enjoyed from several feet away. By morning the show is over and the bloom is nothing more than a suspended, limp clump of spent flower. But while it is open it is a mesmerizing sight! Last night we had several neighbors stop by, ok, maybe drawn at first to what the heck I was doing with a flashlight and camera at the bottom of our stairs, but the flower became the centerpiece of the evening. I photographed it using a simple Canon PowerShot and a flashlight! I should have run back to the studio and grabbed my regular gear, but it had become such a fun time I just couldn’t pull myself away! These images were taken over about a 2 hour window, and even the light from the flashlight was enough to make it begin to close up, so I would work for a few minutes and then leave it alone.

Because you never know when they will bloom, to see one in bloom in the wild is said to be a once in a lifetime experience. In most places they are protected species in the wild. Also called Moon Cactus (genus Selenicereus), any member of a group of about 20 species of cacti in the family Cactaceae. The plants are native to tropical and subtropical America, including the West Indies. They are widely grown in suitable American climates and have escaped from cultivation. The genus is known for its large, usually fragrant, night-blooming white flowers. Our plant is of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum genus. It propagates by dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs (including offsets), from leaf cuttings, from herbaceous stem cuttings.

But the bottom line is it provides a spectacular show for a few hours here on this planet. And for that I am very thankful.

Check our website at for more images! Click here for more Night Blooming Cereus images – and to see our Blog Only print offer!

Richard Mack

Do you have shots you’d like to share, questions or comments…leave them below! I love to hear from you!

Moonrise over Lake Michigan


Last night we had the full moon rising over Lake Michigan, so I ventured down to the lake front – camera in hand to try and capture an image I had seen a few days before while Kathy & I were walking down there. It seemed perfect for a moonrise shot.


As I approached I realized there were clouds on the horizon which may interfere with my shooting. I setup anyway and much to my delight the moon peaked out through a layer of clouds at the perfect time. It then dipped back into a thicker layer and then back out, well into darkness about an hour past sunset. No worries – this was the shot I was really after and I think the clouds actually helped out! The final exposures were for 30 seconds – and the moon will actually move in an exposure of that length – so having the clouds to “mask” the movement was helpful, while still illuminated the clouds. The series of shots here go from the start of the evening with a more “traditional” look to the more ethereal look of the last shot with the lights from the docks coming across the landscape.


We have just started a new book project photographing all five of the Great Lakes, which hold a full 20% of the worlds fresh water. That includes every lake, stream, river and wetland – in the entire world! All found here in the five Great Lakes – it seems a huge task – but I guess no bigger than covering the Lewis & Clark Trail! Who knows whether any of these will make the cut in our new book project on the Great Lakes, but it was a rewarding evening and only time will tell if one of these shots makes the book.
