Quiet Light Publishing is pleased to announce the release of our three beautiful coffee table books as eBooks! The Lewis & Clark Trail: American Landscapes and Great Smoky Mountains National Park – Thirty Years of American Landscapes by photographer Richard Mack along with Their Love of Music by photographer Stephen Azzato are now online in our shop. While we still believe there is nothing better than holding a real book in your hands and turning the pages to appreciate the images and delve into the book in a very personal way we understand many people like to have everything at their finger tips. The eBooks are Adobe PDF’s so you will need the free Acrobat Reader to read them on any platform.
The multiple award winning first edition of The Lewis & Clark Trail AMERICAN LANDSCAPES which chronicle’s the landscape along the trail of The Corp’s of Discovery. This book has won over a dozen awards, including two Silver Medals in the Benjamin Franklin Book Awards for Best Coffee Table Book and Best Nature Book. Photographer Richard Mack has brought the vistas and majesty of the Lewis & Clark Trail to life in a magnificent set of 248 color photographs. Richard spent two years visiting key locations along the Lewis & Clark Trail by plane, auto, and on foot, shooting specific locations at the same time of year as was originally experienced. The result is an extraordinary set of images capturing the incredible diversity of the American landscape in different seasons. ISBN: 978-0-9753954-0-0 Hardbound 11″ x 13 ” edition, 256 pages with 248 color images.
In Richard’s book Great Smoky Mountains National Park – Thirty Years of American Landscapes he trained his camera on the beauty in Great Smoky Mountains National Park photographer Richard Mack has assembled his images into a collection of exquisite images. This book showcases the park’s various sections and includes text by the park interpreter about each area. These images also trace some of the changes in the park which have occurred over the last thirty years. This is a great addition to anyone’s library, but especially this year – the 75th Anniversary of the park. Winner of multiple awards including the 2011 International Book Award for Photography – Nature!
“The ultimate photo book of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. If you love the Smokies, you need this book on your coffee table. It’s the ultimate photo tribute to the park. It’s all here: landscapes, flora, fauna, four seasons of glorious nature.”, Great Smoky Mountains National Park website.
In Their Love of Music photographer Steve Azzato has captured the essence of the creative spirit in the faces and words of the musicians themselves. Featuring portraits of 117 artists, the book takes a slightly different approach to music photography than typically seen. “The beauty of this project for me was being able to sit with a huge range of musicians and explore what drew them to their art”, says Azzato. “I was able to hear it in their voices and record it visually in their images”. In the simple quiet of a green room, without the crowds or bandmates or tour managers, Azzato’s photographs transcend the chaos of the stage and the intensity of the studio to reveal the inner spirit that drives each of his subjects. Winner of the International Book Award for Photography – People. ISBN: 978-0-9753954-3-1 11x 13″, 252 Pages, 117 artists images
Get these three eBooks here: Quiet Light Publishing Books