Their Love of Music
Photography by Stephen Azzato
Foreword by Lester Holt
Quiet Light Publishing is pleased to announce our next release – Their Love of Music by photographer Stephen Azzato. In Their Love of Music photographer Steve Azzato has captured the essence of the creative spirit in the faces and words of the musicians themselves. Featuring portraits of 117 artists, the book takes a slightly different approach to music photography than typically seen. “The beauty of this project for me was being able to sit with a huge range of musicians and explore what drew them to their art”, says Azzato. “I was able to hear it in their voices and record it visually in their images”. In the simple quiet of a green room, without the crowds or bandmates or tour managers, Azzato’s photographs transcend the chaos of the stage and the intensity of the studio to reveal the inner spirit that drives each of his subjects. From grizzled veterans to kids just starting out, folks who play stadium shows to unpaid openers in small clubs, jazz to blues to rock to roots…what unites them all is in fact, their love of music. Although as noted rock photographer Annie Liebowitz suggested to Azzato at the start of the project, ‘You had to pick the hardest subjects to photograph’, he has assembled a collection that is unrivaled in its intimacy and expression.
With the foreword by Lester Holt, NBC News anchor and a musician himself, this look into the minds and feelings of the artists will inspire people in all walks of life, not just musicians and artists, but everyone who wants to follow their own path.
The list of artists is an eclectic assortment from all walks of music, from Aaron Neville to Willie Porter and includes Dave Brubeck, Madeleine Peyroux, Ramsey Lewis, Steve Miller, Dave Mason and Rosanne Cash just to name a few. This book is destined to be a favorite of those who love photography, those who love music and those who love great books.
You can also follow the book’s blog at www.myspace.com/theirloveofmusic where we update the latest news on the book and on the artists including their show dates and playlists! We will also announce the Book Release Show on this blog!
Preview Their Love of Music Online
ISBN: 978-0-9753954-3-1
11x 13", 252 Pages, 117artists images
Price: $65.00 PRE-ORDER Price: $48.75!
Pre-Order Now - Books will ship Oct 1.
Release Date October 1, 2010
 Steve Azzato
Steve Azzato has fell in love with photography when his uncle took him on fishing trips and showed him his first camera. It was through trials and tibulations that he settled on his specialty in portraits. Steve also works in the television media as a videographer for NBC Network News. He is based in the Chicago area.

This past spring Quiet Light Publishing added to their list of book awards as we were honored with four more book awards at the annual BookExpo in New York City. Richard Mack’s book Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Thirty Years of American Landscapes the Gold Medal in the Benjamin Franklin Book Awards for Best Cover – Large Format books and a Silver Medal in the Eric Hoffer Book Awards for Best Art, Photography and Coffee Table book. The book was also honored as a Finalist for the Grand Prize in the Eric Hoffer Book Awards and as a Finalist in the Book of the Year Awards for Best Photographic Book.
It is also one of the best selling books in Great Smoky Mountains National Park visitor’s center stores.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Thirty Years of American Landscapes
Photography by Richard Mack
Foreword by Steve Kemp, Interpreter, Great Smoky Mountains Association
Read More about this book Order the Book
Preview the Great Smoky Mountains book Online
- ISBN: 978-0-9753954-2-4
- 11x 13", 220 Pages, 245 images
- Price: $60.00
“This is the finest coffee table book we've ever seen on the Great Smokies!
Park employees are buying it as gifts.”
Great Smoky Mountains N.P.
“A serene and beautiful book.”
-Janet Davies,
ABC News.

The Lewis & Clark Trail: American Landscapes
Photographs by Richard Mack
Read More about this book
Order the Book
Preview the book Online
- ISBN: 978-0-9753954-0-0
- 11x13" 256 Pages, 248 images
- Price: $65.00
“This may be the most beautiful of the many Lewis and Clark
coffee table books published over the past few years. If you’ve ever wondered
what it must have been like to be with Lewis and Clark on their monumental
journey, looking at Mack’s beautifully rendered images is”
-Tom Dickson,
Editor, Montana Outdoors Magazine
“This is one of the best books on the trail.
Richard’s photography makes you feel like you are right on the trail with Lewis & Clark!”
- Laurie Heupel
Interpretive Specialist
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail
Visitors Center, Great Falls, Montana
To see more about these books, along with our other offerings please use the link to our current offerings (SHOP) above. You may also order the books anytime by clicking the book cover. All books sold on our website will be signed by the photographers!

The Quiet Light Gallery features Fine Art Prints, Limited Edition Posters, note cards, and posters from several all of our books and soon we will be adding those from Their Love of Music Each is printed to the highest standards of the artists and are signed by the artist.

We currently have prints and Limited Edition Posters from the books The Lewis & Clark Trails American Landscapes, prints, posters and note cards from Great Smoky Mountains National Park Thirty Years of American Landscapes and a selection of Triptychs from various places.
We are constantly updating our offerings, so make sure you check back often.

Richard Mack & Steve Azzato
As a founding editor at Quiet Light Publishing it was a great pleasure to meet Steve several years ago when my book on Lewis & Clark was released. We immediately hit it off and had something in common as I had just finished working on my first book and he was just beggining to work on his. It has been fun to watch his progress and be involved with this project. I am glad that when he went looking for a publisher we were the first choice! He and I will be blogging about the progression of the project and how it came to be a book on our blogs, along with current information about the relase of the book, artist updates and the release of prints from his book. So I encourage everyone to read our blogs! You can also check out Steve's work on his website at www.steveazzato.com.
Quiet Light Publishing Blog with Richard Mack
You can now view and interact with Richard on his blog by using the link below. You can ask him questions about the book, shooting it, where to go along the trail, photography, traveling around the US or anything else which might come to mind. We know he'd love to hear from you! QLP/Richard Mack's Blog . You can also follow Quiet Light Publishing on Facebook!
Quiet Light Publishing Blog with Steve Azzato
Follow the Their Love of Music Blog for updates on the progress of the book, info, video, music lists, concert dates for the 117 artists in this book.
You can also follow this book on Facebook and MySpace!

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